Rostered Ministers
Many rostered ministers have said that financial stress can stand in the way of satisfaction and effectiveness in ministry. Resourceful Servants has developed programs and gathered resources which specifically address the financial needs of rostered ministers.
Retirement Supplement Grants
The Retirement Supplement Grants program offers one-time retirement supplement grants for primary ministry leaders (either rostered or non-rostered) called to ministries on the margins (e.g., mission developments, sites in the Homeless and Justice network; sites in the Vulnerable and Vital network; Strategic Ministries).
Emergency Savings/CFA Program
The Emergency Savings/Congregational Financial Assessment program offers eligible rostered ministers the opportunity to build up their own savings reserves and improve their skills in managing finances in a congregation or organization at the same time.
Financial Wellness Resources
Resources to improve financial wellness from ministry partners of the ELCA are available at no cost to you as a rostered minister in the ELCA. Click below to learn more about what is available to you.