Leaders in your congregation can track its progress on healthy financial practices. This site will track your self-assessment of the congregation’s level of proficiency on each practice and give it an overall self-assessment score.

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Answered 0 of 0


Your congregation's self assessment for each practice is marked with a check below.

Accounting system that can track income and expenses and produce reports

Annual audit process

Budgeting (accounting and narrative)

Compliance with financial and accounting best practices

Fund accounting including restricted fund management

Process for counting, tracking and reporting donations

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Answered 0 of 0


Your congregation's self assessment for each practice is marked with a check below.

Cash management procedures and practices

Debt management including capital campaigns

Dealing with financial shortfalls

Tax compliance on rental or business income

Property management plan

Computer asset management including hardware, software, and networking

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Answered 0 of 0


Your congregation's self assessment for each practice is marked with a check below.

Benefits management (including housing allowance)

Compliance with ELCA, state and national pay standards

Payroll processing system including payment of withholding tax

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Answered 0 of 0

Risk Management

Your congregation's self assessment for each practice is marked with a check below.

Plan for data security and backups

Risk assessment & management including adequate insurance

Maintain property inventory

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Answered 0 of 0


Your congregation's self assessment for each practice is marked with a check below.

Annual stewardship plan (narrative budget, thank plan, campaigns)

Understanding mission support

Provide expanded giving options

Thank you for submitting your answers. We have prepared a dashboard where you can view assessment and the progress of your assessments over time.

Go to the Dashboard