Congregational Certificate
Although there is strong desire among many ELCA congregations to be financially healthy, it is common for congregations to wrestle with financial problems. Due to shrinking attendance in worship, decreased giving, the short tenure of congregational treasurers, a reluctance to apply business practices to the finances of a church, and lack of financial knowledge among pastors and many in the congregation, many congregations struggle with budgets, resource allocation and sustained growth.

Through the Congregational Certificate Program, congregations will have the opportunity to follow a road map of healthy behaviors for financial stability, focusing on five key areas: accounting, finance, human resources, risk management and stewardship.
Each module will contain videos, articles and presentations. Ultimately, by completing the suggested behaviors and tracking them on the website, congregations will receive a certificate, indicating their focus on financial health. The hope is that a stronger emphasis on healthy financial behaviors will empower congregations to best use the funds they have.
Coming Soon
These resources are still being developed. Please return in September to see the progress that has been made.